
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 11: Romans–Galatians (Revised Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scholarly and accessible, Romans–Galatians is a comprehensive and succinct commentary that guides users to the text’s core meaning. With enhanced ease-of-use features, specialized discussion of key words and concepts, and each commentator’s point-of-view on the text’s implications for life, it is a vital resource for every preacher, teacher, and student of the Bible.

1 It is notable that Paul begins this discussion by raising an objection and answering it. The objection grows out of his presentation of justification in the previous section of his letter, especially the teaching that “where sin increased, grace increased all the more” (5:20). The query, then, is to this effect: “Are we not able or even obliged, by the logic of justification, to continue on in sin now that we are Christians, in order to give divine grace as much opportunity as possible
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